The vanishing of ethan carter redux
The vanishing of ethan carter redux

Demonic Possession: The Sleeper befalls all family members save Ethan.Death Is the Only Option: Ethan's father kills himself in an attempt to weaken the Sleeper.Creepy Crows: Multiple times throughout, often heard cawing throughout Red Creek Valley, and several of them even for a ritual.An accident with one of these is what causes Ethan to become trapped in the burning room. Chekhov's Gun: One of the items which needs to be located at the cemetery (the location being a Foreshadowing in itself) is a broken oil lamp.But Thou Must!: Ethan's story missions all appear to be optional and a fair share of them are very easy to miss unless you explore thoroughly, but the game won't let you access the ending until you've completed all of them.Can be justified by how the Sleeper is woken by suffering, thus the desire to give Ethan a painful death, and the fact that it's all in Ethan's head anyway. Bond Villain Stupidity: For people who really want Ethan dead, the Carters have trouble using more efficient methods and instead try to use some death traps like tying him to railway tracks and sealing him in a crypt with brick and mortar.Body Surf: The Sleeper moves from body to body.Big Brother Bully: Ethan's big brother acts like a jerk towards Ethan throughout the game, even before his family starts losing their minds.The Sleeper is eventually revealed to be a dying Ethan. Arc Words: "It is time for The Sleeper to wake up".In the updated version, you can fast travel from the end of the game to each of these puzzles, and each puzzle has a warp point nearby that will take you right back to the end. In the original, you would have to slog all the way back to each of these puzzles and then slog back to the end. The biggest one would have to be at the very end of the game where you must solve all of Ethan's "story" puzzles to view the ending cutscene (see But Thou Must! below). Anti-Frustration Features: The Unreal Engine 4 version added some of these to address player complaints.First, you have to go find a light pole in the middle of the forest, and then you get teleported to an astronaut, who you have to chase down to his spaceship and board it for SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE. Another unexpected one is the Astronaut sidequest.Amusingly, Frictional Games gets a Shout-Out in the credits. And Now For Something Completely Different: All of the side-quests qualify but the best example is probably the one in the mine a surprise stealth horror section, complete with an Implacable Man enemy and a Non Standard Game Over should he catch you.If you turn around and walk all the way back through the tunnel, you end up coming out the same side. A lesser example: You start the game having just came out of a tunnel.Specifically, you must recreate the layout of the Carter house in order to access a hidden room in the attic of the other house. Alien Geometries: The house next door to the Carters has this as a result of a request/prayer the owner made to some sort of Eldritch Abomination.Towards the end, a different, mundane (but no less frightening) fear takes place: the fear that one of your children are trapped in a burning building, and you're left with a thin chance of saving them. Further, imagine feeling the same compulsion to kill and destroy and knowing that it can't be resisted or defied. Adult Fear: Imagine watching as your family's love for the son turns into vicious, murderous and implacable hatred.

The vanishing of ethan carter redux